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Here are some more websites for learning about archeology and history in Texas and around the world!

Texas Archeology

THC's Learning Resources
Cook up a cool history lesson with the Texas Historical Commission! This site has so many awesome activity sheets for kids; everything from coloring pages and word puzzles to iconic Texas recipes and how-to instructions (adobe slime anyone!?).

Shumla Archaeological Research and Education Center
Here is a chance to visit and learn about rock art right here in Texas! Shumla offers day-long Treks around the Del Rio-Comstock area to promote engagement and public education in support of their mission to preserve the ancient rock art of the Lower Pecos. They will share their latest discoveries and show you how modern science is helping us to understand the complex worldview and fantastically rich culture of the native people who created these masterworks.

If you cannot join them for a Shumla Trek, their Coloring with Shumla series will teach you more about the ancient rock art of the Lower Pecos. These coloring pages highlight several motifs, or design patterns, and show you how they think the paint was applied based on our research as well as other fun facts about the art.

UTSA Center for Archaeological Research Legacy Program
Would you like to learn to throw a spear using the atlatl? How about take part in a mock dig? See and touch real artifacts while visiting an actual archaeology lab? The Legacy program at the UTSA Center for Archaeological Research in San Antonio offers summer camps, field schools, Boy Scout Archaeology Merit Badge programs, school field trips and other fun activities throughout the year!

Texas Archeological Society
The Texas Archeological Society provides students of all ages opportunities to get dirty. Check out the annual Field School for an opportunity to work on a super-cool archeological site. Field School locations change each year!

LCRA Nightengale Archaeological Center
The Nightengale Archaeological Center (outside Austin) offers tours to hundreds of visiting students each year. Maybe you can help arrange a field trip to this fascinating site!

Institute of Texan Cultures
The Institute of Texan Cultures is a great place to start learning about Texas history. Visit them in San Antonio!

Bullock Museum
Welcome to "The Story of Texas" at the Bullock Museum (in Austin). Take a digital peek inside this new museum to help plan your visit. It's not as good as being there, but it's a nice way to visit from where ever you are! Also, check out the museum's "Becoming Texas" YouTube series for some short but fascinating videos about Texas history and archeology.

Witte Museum
Want to get away from the computer and see some rock art? Can't convince your parents to take you out to Seminole Canyon State Park? How about visiting the Witte Museum in San Antonio! Their entire second floor is now the People of the Pecos Gallery, which has life-sized recreations of ancient camps and rock art murals!

TPWD's Learn About Texas Indians
Download this great little booklet on Texas Indians by Texas Parks and Wildlife site! Boy, are they good! Enjoy coloring pages, make a woven mat, and learn about the journeys of the first Americans! The booklet will download automatically. Look for it in your download folder and print it out!

North American Archeology

NPS Archeology for Kids
Did you know that archeologists often work for the National Park Service (NPS)? That´s right—National Parks contain traces of people who lived there before they were parks! Some of them were even made into parks BECAUSE of the people who lived there in the past, and left behind fascinating traces of their lives. This NPS site was made just for you—kids who want to learn more about archeology in the parks! We especially like the Junior Archeologist booklet you can print out, in English and Español!

NPS Museum Collections
This National Park Service website lets you look through artifacts found in many of the National Parks. Pick a park you have visited or want to visit, and see some of the amazing objects that tell the stories of those places, from an old toy truck from Death Valley, to impressive stone tools from Gates of the Arctic, to a saber found right here in Texas at the Palo Alto Battlefield!

National History Club
Do you love history? Here's a website that will help you link up with others who share your passion and can help you start a History Club in your own school!

General Archeology

American Museum of Natural History's ArchaeOlogy
Wow! This site really blows us away with its games, videos, activities, and stories about times long long ago and places far far away.

Nat Geo Kids Archaeology YouTube Playlist
If you clicker finger is getting tired by this point in the list of links, take a break and watch these fun National Geographic Kids archeology videos!

Museum of Ancient Inventions
Sometimes, modern people tend to think of ancient people as having a simple way of life and, well, not being too smart. That couldn't be further from the truth! In fact, we have many people from the ancient past to thank for some of humanity's best inventions. Check out this site to see several of them!

The Archaeology Channel
Get ready to "travel" across time and space! The Archaeology Channel website features streaming video of archeological sites from around the world. You'll watch archeologists and students dig through layers of time, from ancient Greece to mounds in Kentucky! Dr. Dirt especially likes the video map.

World Archeology

Musèe d'Archèologie Nationale's Lascaux
The famous rock art found in the French caves of Lascaux was discovered in 1940, but could be 17,000 years old. The caves were closed to the public in 1963 after archeologists found that human breath was ruining the rock art. You can visit them today through the enchanting virtual Guided Tour which takes you deep into the heart of the painted caves

The British Museum's Ancient Egypt
Fasinated by Pharaohs? This one is for you - discover Ancient Egypt though a choose your own adventure story, maps and timelines, and much more!